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SmartPhone UnitedKingdom (UK) Version

Beautiful Smart Apple iPhone

Apple iPhone UK Version

SmartPhones Apple iPhone US Version

    Version UK

    Colors: Black/White/Pink/Gold

    Note: All phones are included shipping cost but VAT tax of Vietnam
    government is NOT included from 5% - 10% that depend on buyers

    New Apple iPhone 7 Plus 256gb 1unit * $xxx.00 usd = $xxx.00 usd

    New Apple iPhone 7 Plus 128gb 1unit * $xxx.00 usd = $xxx.00 usd

    New Apple iPhone 7 256gb 1unit * $xxx.00 usd = $xxx.00 usd

    New Apple iPhone 7 128 gb 1unit * $xxx.00 usd = $xxx.00 usd

    New Apple iPhone 7 32gb $xxx* 10 units = $xxx.00 usd


    APPLE IPHONE 6S:(Color: variable depend on the time buyer order)

    New Apple iPhone 6S Plus 128gb 1unit * $xxx.00 usd = $xxx.00 usd

    New Apple iPhone 6S Plus 64gb 1unit * $xxx.00 usd = $xxx.00 usd

    New Apple iPhone 6S 16gb 1unit * $xxx.00 usd = $xxx.00 usd


    APPLE IPHONE 6:(Color: variable depend on time buyer order)

    New Apple iPhone 6 128gb 1unit * $xxx.00 usd = $xxx.00 usd

    New Apple iPhone 6 64gb 1unit * $xxx.00 usd = $xxx.00 usd

    New Apple iPhone 6 16gb 1unit * $xxx.00 usd = $xxx.00 usd


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Alcatel SmartPhone US Version

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Asus SmartPhones US version
Beautifule Blackberry Classic Smartphone

BlackBerry SmartPhones US Version

US Version Blackberry SmartPhones
Beautiful Blu SmartPhones

BLU SmartPhone version US

US Version Blu SmartPhones
Your Smart Android

HTC SmartPhones US Version

US version HCT SmartPhones

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US Version Google Nexus SmartPhone
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LG SmartPhones US Version

US Version LG SmartPhone
Beautiful Samsung Smart Phone

Samsung SmartPhones US Version

US Version
Beautiful Hauwei P9 Phone

Huawei SmartPhones US Version

US Version